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A New Twirling Event!

Novice|Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced




Twirl: The Competition is a new and exciting contest for twirlers of all ages and skill levels.  This is an open event and twirlers from all organizations are welcome!  We will be announcing our 2023 as soon as we have the venue and date confirmed.


New Categories for 2023!


Event Location: TBD




Solo Routine Guidelines.


*Please note we have adjusted the total number of wins per category to better reflect current twirling organizations. To determine your level of competition please use the following guidelines:


*First Time - First time to compete as a soloist. If you have competed as a soloist regardless of placement, you are ineligible for this category. (Team entries do not count towards eligibility.)

*This category is only available for the First-time Twirler Title Event.


The Level you enter is based on your solo ranking. 


Novice -no more than 4 first-place wins. 


beginner - no more than 8 first-place wins.


Intermediate - no more than 12 first-place wins. 


Advanced - 13 first-place wins or more.


(*1st place wins where you were the only one competing in a category do not count towards advancement) 


solo ages are as follows: (age as of competition date 4/24/21) 

  • Tiny Twirlers (0-5.99)

  • Juvenile (6-9)

  • Tween (10-12)

  • Junior (13-15)

  • senior (16-18)

  • collegiate/Adult (19+)


First Time - Limited to the following: 

  • 1 Two Turn

  • 1 Gymnastics move (without release)

  • 4 continuous rolls

*This category is only available for the First-time Twirler Title Event.


    For Solo Only


Novice - Limited to the following:

  • 2 two turns

  • 1 gymnastics move (with or without release)

  • 4 continuous rolls



  • 2 two turns

  • 1 three turns

  • 2 gymnastics moves (with or without release)

  • 8 continuous rolls


intermediate - limited to the following:

  • 2 three turns

  • 1 four turn

  • 2 gymnastics moves (with or without release)

  • 8 continuous rolls


advanced - Limited to the following:

  • 4 Turns with various catches

  • 1 five turn

  • 4 gymnastics moves (with or without release)

  • 10 continuous rolls


a competitor can only compete in one level/age group for solo events (no double entering)













team Routine Guidelines.

To determine your level of competition please use the following guidelines:


Novice/beginner -no more than 4 first-place wins 


Intermediate/Advanced - 5 or more first-place wins 


(*1st place wins where you were the only one competing in a category do not count towards advancement) 


Teams consist of 4 or more members (select categories allow for 2-3 members.)  see exact event for guidelines.


Team ages are the average age of the group as of (4/24/2021): 

  • Tiny Twirlers (0-6)

  • Juvenile (7-9)

  • Tween (10-12)

  • Junior (13-15)

  • Senior (16-18)

  • collegiate/adult (19+)


Middle/high school/collegiate teams all must be enrolled in the same school to compete in that category. Studio teams can consist of twirlers from different schools that make up one team.  


Teams may not compete against themselves in any category or any level. 


*a twirler may compete on both a middle/high school team and studio team if more than 75% of the members are different. 


*Studio & School Teams may be combined to offer more competition if not enough are entered in a category. 


Teams will be divided into Small (4-8 members), Large (9-12 members) XL (13 plus)


gymnastics/props are allowed for most categories.  see the specific categories for rules:​


Dance Teams will be divided by Age & Group Size. All Levels will compete against Those in their Age/Group Size.  No Tap Dancing will be Allowed. ​











Miscellaneous Guidelines.



All music must be provided via email prior to your scheduled performance time.    


twirling, tennis, or jazz shoes are the only shoes allowed on the gym floor. (no tap, heels, or dress shoes)


No late entries will be accepted. (see the deadline on the registration page)


Payment must be made at the time of registration either by cashiers check or money order.


No admission will be charged at the door. 


A $10 facility fee will be added to your total.


No refunds or future credits for missed performances. (this also includes weather)


Concessions will be provided. No outside food may be brought in.


All soloists and groups must check-in at the registration table. One adult may check-in all teams. 


Contest Director: Mary Anne spears, email:


Payments must be made via Cashiers Check or Money Order made to "Take the Stage Twirling Studio"

Mail to 303 Heatherton Road, Florence, AL 35633.

Entries/Payments postmarked after the cutoff date of TBD.  No late entries will be accepted.  







*Please note the following change: Admission will not be charged at the door. there will a $10 facility fee per family due with registration.

2019 Twirl: The Competition

Florence, Al 35633

tel. 256-366-1918

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